About yuva
The trainer team
Marion Nagel
Born in East Germany
lived in the USA
M.A. communications science, american studies & political science
B.A. psychology
Certified trainer and consultant in communication psychology (Schulz von Thun)
Certified for trauma centered counseling and trauma education (DeGPT)
Systemic therapist (in training)
How we work
We plan and design our workshops individually, based on the needs of our customers and their practical and effective requirements.
At the beginning of our collaboration – and with our clients - we thoroughly research the advanced training needed, for which we evaluate motive, main focus, needs, objectives, extent and budget.
We then plan the content and methods of the workshop in accordance with the group size and timetable. All participants receive a handout and if applicable, a documentation of results.
It is of the utmost importance to us that the participants interact and learn from and with each other. Therefore, our trainings and workshops offer various settings and group sizes to implement reflective moments and time for self-awareness. We want our participants to be acquainted, not only with the contents but also to have the capability to use them in their every-day work life.
Quelle: MDR aktuell 01/2021
Kira Kaplan
San Diego, California native, grew up in Germany
Works and lives in the USA & Germany
M.A. communications sciences, economics, sociology, american studies and art history
Advanced on the job training editorial journalist
Certified trainer and consultant in communication psychology (Schulz von Thun)
MBSR coaching
Certified resilience trainer
Trainer non-violent communication/Marshall Rosenberg (in training)
Networks and Partners
We are in exchange with other trauma therapists, teachers and consultants from Germany, Switzerland and the US.
Marianne Herzog, advisor and pedagogue for psycho traumatology from Basel, Switzerland is a role model for our work. In our training courses and consultations we are working with trauma pedagogical materials and the book "Lily, Ben & Omid" developed by her.
Another advisor and supporter is Dr. Christian Hahn in questions of mindfulness and resilience.
In the planning and organization of our courses we get support from Etage Leipzig and the Villa Leipzig. Etage Leipzig also supports us in the technical implementation of our online training courses.